(with some in Byelorussian and Estonian)

Bibliography compiled and contributed by Jevgeni Shergalin, Tallinn, Estonia

Menzbier, M. A. (1895). Sovy. In Ptitsy Rossii, Vol. 2, pp. 261-325. Moscow: PUBL?

[Owls. In Birds of Russia, Vol. 2, pp. 261-325. Moscow: PUBL?].


Meshkov, M. M., and Uryadova, L. P. (1972). Ob osennei migratsii dyatlov i sov. Soobshchenie Pribaltijskoi komissii po izucheniyu migratsiy ptits (Tartu), No. 7. pp. 18-28. (In Russian with English summary.)

[The autumn migration of woodpeckers and owls. Communications of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Migration (Tartu), No. 7, pp. 18-28.]


Mishchenko, Yu. V. (1982). Rasprostranenie, chislennost’ i vertikal’no-biotopicheskoe raspredelenie sov Kopetdaga v predelakh SSSR. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 2, pp. 19-25.

[Distribution, number and vertical habitat distribution of owls of Kopetdag within the borders of the USSR. Bulletin of Zoology (Kiev), No. 2, pp. 19-25.]


Murashev, A. M. (1984). Opyt vyrashchivaniya ptentsov sov i ikh podgotovka k zhizni v prirode. Ornitologiya, Issue 19, p. 206.

[Experience of rearing owl chicks and their preparation for life in the wild. Ornithology, Issue 19, p. 206.]



Olenev, N. O. (1949). Neobychainoe gnezdovanie neyasyti. Priroda, No. 5, p. 61.

[Unusual nesting of the Tawny Owl. Nature, No. 5, p. 61.]



Petrinsh, A. Ya. (1986). O zimnem gnezdovanii obyknovennoi neyasyti v gorodakh Latvii. Ornitologiya, Issue 21, p. 167.

[On winter breeding of the Tawny Owl in towns of Latvia Ornithology, Issue 21, p. 167.]


Pirogov, N. G. (1991). Sovy Chernomorskogo zapovednika: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy okhrany. Mater. 10-i vses. ornitol. konf., Part 2, Book 2, pp. 148-49.

[Owls of the Black Sea Nature Reserve: modern status and prospects for their conservation. Materials of the 10th All-Union Ornithological Conference, Part 2, Book 2, pp. 148-49.]


Prisada, I. A. (1981). Osobennosti pitaniya ushastoi sovy i seroi neyasyti na Kharkovshchine. Tez. Dokl. 8-i vsesoyuz. Ornitol. Konferentsii, Kishinev, pp. 186-87.

[Peculiarities of the diet of the Long-eared Owl and Tawny Owl in the Khar’kov region. Abstracts of the 8th All-Union Ornitholological Conference, Kishinev, pp. 186-87.]


Ptushenko, E. S., and Inozemtsev, A. A. (1968). Biologiya i khozyaistvennoe znachenie ptits Moskovskoi oblasti i sopredel’nykh territory. Moscow: Moscow University Press.

[Biology and Practical Importance of Birds of the Moscow Region and Adjacent Territories. Tawny Owl on pp. 177-79.]


Pukinskiy, Yu. B. (1977). Zhizn’ sov. L. 240 pp.

[The Life of Owls. Leningrad: PUBL? Tawny Owl on pp. 190-198.]


Pukinskiy, Yu. B., Pukinskaya, M. V. (1986). Osobennosti brachnoi vokalizatsii sov, kak ptits s nochnoi i sumerechnoi aktivonost’yu. In Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional’noe ispolzovanie. Tez. Dokl. 1-go s’yezda vsesoyuz. ornitol. o-va i 9-i vsesoyuz. ornitol. konferentsii. L. Part 2, pp. 176-78.

[Peculiarities of the mating vocalization of owls, as birds with nocturnal and crepuscular activity. In Study of birds of the USSR, their Conservation and Wise Management, ------------------, Part 2, pp. 176-78. Leningrad: PUBL?]



Rumbutis, S. P. (1982). Dannye o pitanii ushastoi sovy (Asio otus) i seroi neyasyti (Strix aluco) v Srednelitovskoi nizmennosti. Ekologicheskie issledovaniya i okhrana ptits Pribaltijskikh respublik. Tez. Dokl. Pribalt. Konferentsii molodykh ornitologov, posvyashchennaya 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Prof. T. Ivanauskasa, Kaunas, pp. 69-73.

[Data on the diet of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) and Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in the mid-Lithuanian lowland. Ecological Studies and Conservation of Birds in the Eastern Baltic Republics. Abstracts of the Baltic Conference of Young Ornithologists Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof. Tadas Ivanauskas, Kaunas, pp. 69-73.]


Rumbutis, S. (1983). Zashchitnoe povedenie seroi neyasyti v period gnezdovaniya. Tez. Dokladov XI Pribaltijskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii, Tallinn, Inst. of Zoology and Botany of Ac. of Sc. of the Estonian SSR. pp. 185-186.

[Defensive behaviour of the Tawny Owl in the nesting period. Abstracts of the XIth Baltic Ornithological Conference, Tallinn, pp. 185-86. Institute of Zoology and Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR.]


Rumbutis, S. P. (1986). Uspeshnost’ razmnozheniya seroi neyasyti v Dotnuvskom lesu (tsentralnaya Litva) v 1976-1985. In Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional’noe ispol’zovanie. Tez. Dokl. 1-go s’yezda vsesoyuz. ornitol. o-va i 9-i vsesoyuz. ornitol. konferentsii, Leningrad, Part 2, pp. 201-2.

[Breeding success of the Tawny Owl in Dotnuva Wood (central Lithuania) in 1976-1985). In Study of Birds of the USSR, their Conservation and Wise Management, ------------------, Part 2, pp. 201-2. Leningrad.]


Rumbutis, S. (1988). Izmenenie mest gnezdovaniya samkami serykh neyasytei. Tez. Dokladov XII Pribaltijskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii, Tallinn, Inst. Of Zoology and Parasithology of Ac. of Sc. of the Lithuanian SSR. pp. 201-2.

[The change of nesting sites by Tawny Owl females. Abstracts of the XIIth Baltic Ornithological Conference, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 201-2.]


Rykova, S. Yu. (1989). Dinamika chislennosti khishchnykh ptits i sov v Pinezhskom zapovednike. Tez. Dokl. Vses. soveshch. po probl. kadastra i ucheta zhivotnogo mira, Part 3. Ufa. pp. 195-99.

[Number dynamics in birds of prey and owls in the Pinega Nature Reserve. Abstracts of Meeting on Problems of Cadastre and Census of Wildlife, Ufa, Part 3, pp. 195-99.]



Sagitov, A. K. (1990). Otryad sovoobraznye. In Ptitsy Uzbekistana, Vol. 2. pp. 225-45. Tashkent: Fan.

[Order Strigiformes. In Birds of Uzbekistan, Vol. 2. pp. 225-45. Tashkent: Fan.]


Salikhbaev, H. S. (1969). Nekotorye dannye po ekologii sovinykh ptits Uzbekistana v svyazi s proiskhosdyashchimi izmeneniyami prirodnykh usloviy. Ornitologiya v SSSR, Book 2, pp. 563-64. Ashkhabad: Publishing House of Ac. of Sc. of the TSSR.

[Some data on the ecology of the Strigiformes of Uzbekistan in connection with current changes of natural (environmental) conditions. In Ornithology in the USSR, Book 2, pp. 563-64. Ashkhabad: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmenistan SSR.]


Samigullin, G. (1989). Sovinye Orenburgskoi oblasti. In Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urals. (Inf. Mater.), pp. 92-93. Sverdlovsk: PUBL?

[Strigiformes of the Orenburg region. In Distribution and Fauna of Birds of the Urals (Inf. Mater.), pp. 92-93. Sverdlovsk: PUBL? ]


Sapetina, I. M. (1986). Materialy mnogoletnikh nablyudeniy v zapovednikakh kak osnova dlya opredeleniya chislennosti i razmeshcheniya ptits na primere filina, seroi neyasyti, ushastoi i bolotnoi sov v Okskom zapovednike. Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional’noe ispolzovanie. Tez. Dokl. 1-go s’yezda vsesoyuz. ornitol. o-va i 9-i vsesoyuz. ornitol. Konferentsii, L. Part 2, pp. 228-29.

[Materials of multi-year observations in nature reserves as a base for identification of the number and distribution of birds using as examples the Eagle Owl, Tawny Owl, Long-eared Owl and Short-eared Owl in the Oka Nature Reserve. Study of Birds of the USSR, Conservation and Wise Management. Abstracts of the 1st Meeting of the All-Union Ornithological Society and 9th All-Union Ornithological Conference, Leningrad, Part 2, pp. 228-29.]


Shchegolev, V. I. (1976). Razmeshchenie i chislennost’ sov v chernozemnykh oblastyakh SSSR. In Sovremennye problemy zoologii i sovershenstvovanie metodiki eyo prepodavaniya v vuze i shkole. Perm’: Perm’ State Ped. Institute, pp. 363-65.

[Distribution and number of owls in the black-earth regions of the USSR. In Modern Problems of Zoology and Improvement of Methods of its Teaching at High School and Secondary School, pp. 363-65. Perm: Perm State Pedogogical Institute]


Segal, A. N. (1958). Sutochnye izmeneniya gazoobmena u seroi neyasyti. Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, Vol. 37, issue 7, pp. 1076-81.

[Daily changes in gas exchange in the Tawny Owl. Zoological Journal, 37(7), pp. 1076-81.]


Semago, L. L. (1960). O migratsii obyknovennoi neyasyti v Voronezhskoi oblasti. Ornitologiya, Issue 3, p. 173.

[On Tawny Owl migration in the Voronezh region. Ornithology, Issue 3, p. 173.]


Shablyavichius, V. (1983). Povedenie seroi neyasyti u gnezda. Tez. Dokladov XI Pribaltijskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii, Tallinn, Inst. of Zoology and Botany of Ac. of Sc. of the Estonian SSR, pp. 222-24.

[Tawny Owl behaviour near the nest. Abstracts of the XIth Baltic Ornithological Conference, Institute of Zoology and Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 222-24.]


Sharikov, A. V. (2003). Rannee razmnozhenie seroi neyasyti v Moskve. Ornitologiya, Vol. 30, pp. 222-23. M., Moscow Univ. Press.

[Early breeding of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in Moscow. Ornithology, 30, pp. 222-23.]


Shepel’, A. I. (1980). Chislennost’ i gnezdovanie khishchnykh ptits i sov v nekotorykh raionakh Permskoi oblasti. Perm’ un-t. Perm’. 41 p. Dep. in VINITI. N847.

[Number and nesting of birds of prey and owls in some districts of the Perm region. Perm: Perm University. 41 pp. Dep. in VINITI. N847.]


Shepel’, A. I. (1992). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Permskogo Prikamya. Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Press. 296 pp.

[Birds of Prey and Owls of the Perm Region. Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Press. 296 pp.]


Smetanin, V. N. (1985). Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Sokhodnidnskogo zapovednika. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR, pp. 79-89. Moscow.

[Birds of prey and owls of the Sokhonda Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in the Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 79-89. Moscow: PUBL?.]


Stakheev, V. A., Irisova, N. L., and Polushkin, D. M. (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy zapovednikov Altaya i Sayan. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR, pp. 30-45. Moscow.

[Birds of prey and owls of Nature Reserve in Altai and Sayany. In Birds of Prey and Owls in the Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 30-45. Moscow: PUBL?.]


Sukhinin, A. N. (1962). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Badkhyza i ikh prakticheskoe znachenie (yugo-vostochnaya Turkmeniya): avtoref. Diss. … kand. Biol. Nauk. Ashkhabad. 15 pp.

[Birds of prey and owls of Badkhyz and their practical significance (southeast Turkmenia). Author’s abstract of thesis (Type? Presented where?)]



Tishechkin, A. K. (1989). Chislennost’ i raspredelenie sov v Berezinskom zapovednike. In Dinamika zootzenozov, problemy okhrany i ratsionalnogo ispol’zovaniya zhivotnogo mira Belorussii, pp. 261-62. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.

[Number and distribution of owls in the Berezinskiy Nature Reserve. In Dynamics of Zoocoenoses, Problems of Conservation and Wise Management of the Wildlife of Belarus, pp. 261-62. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.]


Toropov, I. V. (1983). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnoi Kulundy. In Ptitsy Sibiri, pp. 105-62. Gorno-Altaisk: PUBL?

[Birds of prey and owls of Northern Kulunda. In Birds of Siberia, pp. 105-62. Gorno-Altaisk: PUBL?]


Treshchev, V. V., and Kupsha, A. S. (1988). Sovremennoe sostoyanie, rasprostranenie i perspektivy okhranyt sov Kryma. In Izuchenie ekosistem Kryma v prirodookhrannom aspekte, pp. 86-90. Kiev.

[Modern status, distribution and prospects of conservation of owls. In Study of Ecosystems of the Crimea in Relation to Nature Conservation, pp. 86-90. Kiev: PUBL?]



Vinogradov, V. V., Chernyavskaya, S. I., and Reutskiy, N. D. (1985). Obyknovennsaya neyasyt’ v del’te Volgi. Byull. MOIP, Otd. Biol., Vol. 90. N1. pp. 32-34.

[The Tawny Owl in the Volga River delta. Bulletin of the Moscow Naturalists’ Society, Department of Biology, 90(1), pp. 32-34.]


Voronetskiy, V. I. (1991). O sostoyanii i perspektivakh issledovaniy po ekologii sovoobraznykh v SSSR. Mater. 10-i Vsesoyuz. Ornit. Konf, Part 2, Book 1, Minsk, pp. 115-17.

[On the status and prospects of studies on the ecology of Strigiformes in the USSR. Materials of the 10th All-Union Ornithological Conference, Minsk, Part 2, Book 1, pp. 115-17.]


Voronetskiy, V. I., and Demyanchik, V. T. (1989). Iskusstvennye gnezdov’ya dlya sov. In Metody izucheniya i okhrany khishchnykh ptits (Metodicheskie rekommendatsii). M: TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR. pp. 270-95.

[Artificial nest-boxes for owls. In Methods of Study and Conservation of Birds of Prey (Methodological Recommendations), pp. 270-95. Moscow: TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR.]



Zaitsev, V. A. (1973). Okhotnichie povedenie sov v svyazi s ikh ekologiei. Vestnik Yaroslavskogo un-ta, Issue 2, pp. 101-10.

[Hunting behaviour of owls in connection with their ecology. Bulletin of Yaroslavl’ University, Issue 2, pp. 101-10.]


Zakharov, V. D. (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Il’menskogo zapovednika. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR, pp. 156-57. M.

[Birds of prey and owls of the Ilmen’ Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 156-57. Moscow: PUBL?]


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[Birds of the forest zone of the European part of the USSR (Strigiformes). In Fauna of the Non-Black Earth Area, its Conservation and Use, pp. 15-31. Kalinin: PUBL?]


Zolotarev, A. A. (1978). Izuchenie raspredeleniya i uchet chislennosti obyknovennoi neyasiti metodom pelengatsii. Zool. Zhurnal, vol. 57, issue 3, pp. 464-66.

[The study of the distribution and count of the Tawny Owl number by the pelengation method. Journal of Zoology, 57(3), pp. 464-66.]


Zolotarev, A. A. (1987). Stavnitel’nyi analiz pitaniya sov i ikh raspredelenie po territorii. Ornitologiya, Issue 22, pp. 208-10. M., Moscow Univ. Press.

[Comparative analysis of owl diet and distribution through territory. Ornithology, Issue 22, pp. 208-10.]


Zolotarev, A. A. (1994). Svedeniya po ekologii filina i seroi neyasyti v Khoperskom zapovednike I na sopredel’nykh territoriyakh. In V. I. Voronetskiy (ed.), Filin v Rossii, Belorussii i na Ukraine, pp. 66-75. Moscow State University Press.

[The ecology of the Eagle Owl and the Tawny Owl in the Khoperskiy Nature Reserve and bordering areas. In V. I. Voronetskiy (ed.), The Eagle Owl in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, pp. 66-75. Moscow: Moscow State University Press.]


Zubkov, N. I. (1980). Prolet, raspredelenie i chislennost’ khishchnykh ptits i sov v Moldavii. In Migratsii i prakticheskoe znachenie ptits Moldavii, Kishinev. pp. 51-77.

[The passage, distribution and number of birds of prey and owls in Moldavia. In Migrations and Practical Importance of Birds of Moldavia, pp. 51-77. Kishinev.]


Zubkov, N. I. (1981). Troficheskie svyazi sov v biotsenozakh Moldavii. In Ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Moldavii, P. 79-8(9)4. Kishinev.

[Trophic links of owls in biocoenoses in Moldavia. In Ecology of Birds and Mammals in Moldavia, pp. 79-8(9)4. Kishinev]


Zubkov, N. I., Muntyanu, A. I. (1981). Znachenie v pitanii nekotorykh vidov sov Moldavii myshevidnykh gryzunov. Ekologiya i okhrana ptits. Tez. Dokl. 9-i Vsesoyuzn. Ornitol. Konf., Kishinev. P.90.

[Significance of microtine rodents in the diet of some owl species. Ecology and Conservation of Birds. Abstracts of the 9th All-Union Ornithological Conference, Kishinev, p. 90.]



Translations of any of these publications can be ordered from: Jevgeni Shergalin, Sopruse pst. 175-58, Tallinn 13413 Estonia. E-mail: zoolit [at] hotmail.com


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