(with some in Byelorussian and Estonian)

Bibliography compiled and contributed by Jevgeni Shergalin, Tallinn, Estonia



March 2007: Jevgeni has kindly contributed the following list of references covering the Tawny Owl in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which are not represented in my own lists. For a translation of any item contact him at: Jevgeni Shergalin, Sopruse pst. 175-58, Tallinn 13413 Estonia. E-mail:

zoolit [at] hotmail.com

We hope to work (slowly!) through this material over the next months to make it more accessible to english speakers. We even hope to provide some abstracts. Please be patient while this is done.

Works are in Russian unless stated otherwise.

(For a complete list of works in Russian, with english abstracts, on the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, go here on Marco Mastrorilli's site about this owl. Alternatively go to www.flammeus.it, click on Articoli in the left panel, go to Abstracts and click on "Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763) in Russia - Abstracts of all work published in Russia". This compilation is also Jevgeni's handiwork.)

Anisimov, E. P. (1969). Materialy po letnemu pitaniyu seroi neyasyti v Moldavii. Voprosy ekologii i prakticheskogo znacheniya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Moldavii Issue 3. Kishinev. pp. 30-35.

[Materials on summer feeding of the Tawny Owl in Moldavia. In Problems of ecology and practical significance of birds and mammals of Moldavia, Issue 3, pp. 30-35. Kishinev.]


Avdanin, V. O. (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Tsentral’no-lesnogo zapovednika. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR. M. pp. 160-61.

[Birds of prey and owls of the Central Forest Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 160-61. Moscow: PUBL?]


Avotinsh, A. Ja. (1988). Zaselennost’ sovami iskusstvennykh gnezdoviy v yugo-vostochnoi Latvii. Tez. Dokladov XII Pribaltijskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Vilnius, pp. 3-4.

[Occupancy of artificial nest-boxes by owls in southeastern Latvia. In Abstracts of the XIIth Baltic Ornithological Conference, pp. 3-4. (For publisher see Russian entry)].



Bakaev, S. (1969). Kharakternye ptitsy kulturnogo landshafta i ikh rasselenie na vnov’ osvoennykh zemlyakh nizov’yev basseina reki Zarafshana. Materialy XXV nauchnoi konferentsii professorsko-prepodavatelskogo sostava biologicheskogo fakul’teta. Samark. Gos. un-t im. Alishera Navoi. Samarkand. pp. 14-18.

[Typical birds of the cultural landscape and their resettlement on recultivated grounds of the lower Zarafshan River. In Materials of the XXVth Scientific Conference of Professor-Teachers composition of the Biology Department of Samarkand State University named after Alisher Navoi, pp 14-18]


Belopol’skiy, L. O. (1975). Kharakter migratsiy nekotorykh sov (Strigiformes) po dannym ikh otlova na Kurshskoi kose v 1957-1958 gg. Soobshch. Komiss. po izucheniyu migratsiy ptits AN ESSR. Tartu. N8. pp. 51-71.

[The character of migrations of some owls (Strigiformes) on the base of their trapping on the Courish Spit in 1957-1958. Communications of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Migration of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian Republic, No. 8?, pp. 51-71. (Tawny Owl on pp. 65-66)]


Blagosklonov, K. N., and Ryabenko, E. E. (1980). Sovy v g.Moskve. Byull. MOIP. Otd. Biol., 85(4), pp. 49-54.

[Owls in Moscow city. Bulletin of the Moscow Naturalists’ Society Department of Biology, 85(4), pp. 49-54.]


Butenko, O. M. (1976). Novye vidy kleshchei-rinonissid (Gamasoidea, Rhinonyssidae), parazitiuruyushchikh u sov. Parazitologiya, N10 (4), pp. 303-9.

[New species of ticks-rinonissides (Gamasoidea, Rhinonyssidae) in owls. Parasithology, 10(4), pp. 303-9.]


Buturlin, S. A. (1928). Opredelitel’ vidov ptits SSSR. Dnevnye khishchniki i sovy SSSR. Issue 1. M.-L. Knigosoyuz. 120 pp.

[Guide to Bird Species of the USSR. Diurnal Raptors and Owls of the USSR, Issue 1, 120 pp. Moscow, Leningrad: Knigosoyuz.]



Datskevich, V. A., Popenko, V. M., and Kolosei, L. K. (1985). Sostav, chislennost’ i biotopicheskoe raspredelenie sov Belovezhskoi pushchi. Zapovedniki Belorussii N9. pp. 106-14.

[Composition, number and habitat distribution of owls in Bieloviezha Pushcha. Nature Reserve of Belarus, No. 9, pp. 106-14.]


Dement’yev, G. P. (1936). Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy: Sovy. In Polnyi opredelitel’ ptits SSSR. M.: KOIZ. Vol. 3. pp. 42-129.

[Diurnal birds of prey: Owls. In Complete Guide to the Birds of the USSR, Vol. 3, pp. 42-129. Moscow: KOIZ.]


Dement’yev, G. P. (1951). Otryad Sovy. In Ptitsy Sovetskogo Soyuza , Vol. 2, pp. 343-429.

[Order Strigiformes. In The Birds of the Soviet Union, Vol. 2, pp. 343-429. PUBL? (Tawny Owl on pp. 391-96)]


Demyanchik, V. G. (1986). Vstrechaemost’ sokoloobraznykh i sovoobraznykh ptits i sel’skikh naselennykh punktakh. Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional’noe ispolzovanie. Tez. Dokl. 1-go s’yezda vsesoyuz. Ornitol. O-va i 9-i vsesoyuz. ornitol. konferentsii. L. Part 1, p. 192.

[Occurrence of Falconiformes and Strigiformes in settlements in the countryside. In Study of Birds of the USSR, their Conservation and Wise Management, Part 1, p. 192 [English incomplete?]]


Demyanchik, V. T. (1988). Motivatsiya brakon’yerstva v otnoshenii sokoloobraznykh i sovoobraznykh ptits i eyo izuchenie. In Tez. dokladov XII Pribaltijskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 68-69.

[Motivation for poaching of Falconiformes and Strigiformes and its research. In Abstracts of the XIIth Baltic Ornithological Conference, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, Tallinn, pp. 68-69.]


Demyanchik, V. T. (1989). O populyatsionnoi strukture sov. In Dinamika zootzenozov, problemy okhrany i ratsional’nogo ispol’zovaniya zhivotnogo mira Belorussii, pp. 238-39. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.

[On the population structure in owls. In Dynamics of Zoocoenoses, Problems of Conservation and Wise Management of the Wildlife of Belarus, pp. 238-39. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.]


Demyanchik, V. T. (1989). Rol’ faktorov sredy v kommunal’noi faze biotsikla sov. In Dinamika zootzenozov, problemy okhrany i ratsionalnogo ispol’zovaniya zhivotnogo mira Belorussii, pp. 239-40. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.

[The role of environmental factors in the communal phase of the biocycle in owls. In Dynamics of Zoocoenoses, Problems of Conservation and Wise Management of the Wildlife of Belarus, pp. 239-40. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.]


Demyanchik, V. T. (1993). Seraya neyasyt’ - indicator biologicheskogo raznoobraziya a-urovnya. In Problemy sokhraneniya biologicheskogo raznoobraziya Belarusi, Abstracts of international scientific-practical conference, Minsk, October 1993, pp. 204-5.

[The Tawny Owl - an indicator of the biological diversity of a-level. In Problems of Conservation of Biological Diversity of Belarus, Abstracts of international scientific-practical conference, Minsk, October 1993, pp. 204-5.]


Demyanchik, V. T. (1994). Landshaftnaya otsenka ekologicheskikh svyazei nochnykh khishchnykh ptits. In Problemy izucheniya, sokhraneniya i ispol’zovaniya biologicheskogo raznoobraziya zhivotnogo mira, pp. 288-89. Minsk: “Navuka i teknika” Press.

[Landscape assessment of the ecological links of nocturnal raptors. In Problems of the Study, Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity of Wildlife, pp. 288-89. Minsk: “Navuka i tekhnika” Press.]


Demyanchik (Dzyamyanchik), V. T. (1988). Kharchovy spektr zvychainai nyayasyts (Strix aluco L.) u Belarusi. Vesci AN BSSR. Ser. Biyal. N., no. 4, pp. 86-91. (In Byelorussian)

[The food spectrum of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Biological Science Series, no. 4, pp. 86-91.]


Dobrynina, I. N. (1994). Seasonal movements of Owls (Strigiformes) in the Baltic Region based on ringing data. The Ring, 16(1-2), Part 2, pp. 77-83. Fig. 8. (In English) ["Fig. 8" means 8 figures??]

Alternative form found on USGS Banding Bibliography page (http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/BBL/resources/bibl/bandbib.htm):

Dobrynina, Inna N. Seasonal movements of owls (Strigiformes) in the Baltic Region based on ringing data. Ring (Int. Ornithol. J.); 16(1-2):77-83. 1994. ("Proceedings Baltic Birds-7: Conference on the Study and Conservation of Birds of the Baltic Region Part 2"; Busse, Przemyslaw, editor).


Dorofeev, A. M. (1983). Sostoyanie populyatsiy sovoobraznykh ptitsv Belorusskom Poozerie. Tez. Dokl. 11-i Pribalt. Orn. Konf., Tallinn, Valgus, pp. 82-83.

[Status of Strigiformes populatons in the Byelorussian Lake system area. In Abstracts of the 11th Eastern Baltic Ornithological Conference, Tallinn, Valgus, pp. 82-83. [PUBL?]]



Frolov, V. V., and Rodinov, E. V. (1991). Sovy Penzenskoi oblasti. Mater. 10-i vses. ornitol. konf., Part 2, Book 2, Minsk, pp. 273-74.

[Owls of the Penza region. In Materials of the 10th All-Union Ornithological Conference, Part 2, Book 2, pp. 273-74. Minsk: PUBL?]



Galushin, V. M., and Krever, V. G. (eds) (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR. Collection of papers, 180 pp. Moscow: Central Laboratory of Main Department on Hunting and Nature Protection. (Tawny Owl in many articles)

[English title of collection: Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]


Ganya, I. M. (1957). Nekotorye dannye o golubyakh i sovakh Bonderskogo leskhoza. Uchen. Zapiski Tiraspolskogo ped. In-ta., Issue 5, pp. 57-90.

[Some data on pigeons (doves) and owls in Bondery forestry. Proceedings of the Tiraspol’skogo Pedagogic Institute, Issue 5, pp. 57-90.]


Gavrin, V. F. (1962). Otryad Sovy. In Ptitsy Kazakhstana, Vol. 2, pp. 708-79. Alma-Ata: PUBL?

[Order Striges. In Birds of Kazakhstan, Vol. 2, pp. 708-79. Alma-Ata: PUBL? (Tawny Owl on pp. 753-58)]


Gruzdev, L. V., and Likhachev, G. N. (1960). Materialy po pitaniyu neyasyti v Tul’skikh zasekakh. Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, 39(4), pp. 624-27.

[Materials on the diet of the Tawny Owl in Tula Woods. Zoological Journal, 39(4), pp. 624-27.]



Il’ichev, V. D. (1969). Sovy, kak oni slyshat. Okhota i okhotnichie khozyaistvo, No. 8, pp. 16-17.

[Owls, how they do hear? Hunt and hunting industry, No. 8, pp. 16-17.]


Il’ichev, V. D. (1970). Passivnaya lokatsiya sov. Uspekhi sovrem. Biologii., 70(1), pp. 120-36.

[The passive location of owls. Achievements of Modern Biology, 70(1), pp. 120-36.]


Il’ichev, V. D. (1972). Bioakustika ptits. Moscow: Moscow University Press. 286 pp.

[The Bioacoustics of Birds. Moscow: Moscow University Press. 286 pp.]


Ivanchev, V. P., Bobkov, R. B., Didorchuk, M. V., Onufrenya, M. V., and Pustovit, O. P. (1997). Ryba v pitanii seroi neyasyti. Russ. J. Ornithol. Express-issue 7, pp. 11-13.

[Fish in the diet of the Tawny Owl. Russian Journal of Ornithology, Express-issue 7, pp. 11-13.]



Karyakin, I. V. (1998). Pernatye khishchniki Ural'skogo regiona. Sokoloobaznye (Falconiformes) i Sovoobraznye (Strigiformes). Perm, Centre of Field Investigations of the Ural Animal Conservation Union/Socio-ecological Union. 483 pp.

[Title in English: Birds of Prey and Owls of the Ural Region. Falconiformes and Strigiformes. (Tawny Owl on pp. 406-14)]


Kasparson, G. R. (1966). Migratsii dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits i sov Latvijskoi SSR. Ornitol. issled. Riga: Zinatne. N4. P.5-32.

[Migrations of diurnal birds of prey and owls in the Latvian Republic. Ornithological Studies, No. 4, pp. 5-32. Riga: Zinatne.]


Khrokov, V. V., and Koshelev, A. I. (1985). Sovy. Alma-Ata: Kainar. 168 pp.

[Owls. Alma-Ata: Kainar. 168 pp.]


Kolesnikov, A. D. (1979). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy lesov yugo-vostoka Ukrainy. Ornitologiya, Issue 14, pp. 77-83.

[Birds of prey and owls of the forests of the southeast of Ukraine. Ornithology, Issue 14, pp. 77-83.]


Komarov, Yu. E. (1990). Zametki o sovakh i dnevnykh khishchnykh ptitsakh Osetii. Maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza. Mater. Nauch,-prakt. Konf., Stavroopol, pp. 70-76.

[Notes on the owls and diurnal birds of prey of Ossetia. In Little-studied birds of North Caucasia. Materials of a scientific-practical conference, Stavropol, pp. 70-76. (PUBL?)]


Krever, T. N., and Krever, V. G. (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Volzhsko-Kamskogo zapovednika. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR, pp. 63-69. Moscow: PUBL?.

[Birds of prey and owls of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 63-69. Moscow: PUBL?]


Krever, V. G. (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR. M. pp. 138-55. [Paper title same as volume title - check]

[Birds of prey and owls of Nature Reserves of the RSFSR. In Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 138-55. Moscow: PUBL?]


Kuchin, A. P. (1967). Ekologiya sov Verkhnego Priob’ya. In Problemy ekologii, Vol. 1, pp. 204-9. Tomsk: Tomsk Univ. Press.

[Ecology of owls of the Upper Ob’ River area. In Problems of Ecology, Vol. 1, pp. 204-9. Tomsk: Tomsk University Press.]


Kulaeva, T. M. (1977). Otryad sovoobraznye. In Ptitsy Volzhsko-Kamskogo kraya. Nevorobinye, M., pp. 239-56.

[Order Strigiformes. In Birds of the Volga-Kama Territory. Non-Passerines, pp. 239-56. Moscow: PUBL? (Tawny Owl on pp. 256-57)]


Kuligin, S. D. (1985). Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Prioksko-terrasnogo biosfernogo zapovednika. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR. M. P.157-160.

[Diurnal birds of prey and owls of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 157-60. Moscow: PUBL?]



Laur, T., and Lelov, E. (1990). O vidovom sostave, rasprostranenii i chislennosti vo vremya gnezdovaniya sovinykh v yugo-zapadnoi Estonii. Loodusevaatlusi. N1. Tallinn: Valgus. pp. 97-109. (In Estonian)

[On the species composition, distribution and number of Strigiformes in southwestern Estonia during the nesting period. Loodusevaatlusi, No. 1, pp. 97-109. Tallinn: Valgus.] [Needs check - journal?]


Ledyaikina, M. A. (1985). Faunistcheskiy obzor khishchnykh ptits i sov Mordovskogo zapovednika. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR, pp. 58-63. Moscow: PUBL?

[Faunal review of birds of prey and owls of the Mordovian Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in the Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 58-63. Moscow: PUBL?]


Lelov, E. (1983). O chislennosti khishchnykh tits i eyo izmeneniyakh v Halinga v 1978-1982. Tez. Dokl. 11-i Pribalt. Orn. Konf., Tallinn, Valgus, pp. 131-33.

[On number of birds of prey and owls and its changes in Halinga in 1978-1982. Abstracts of the 11th Eastern Baltic Ornithological Conference, Tallinn, Valgus, pp. 131-33.].


Loskutova, N. M. (1985). Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Bashkirskogo zapovednika. In Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR, pp. 45-58. Moscow: PUBL?

[Birds of prey and owls of the Bashkirian Nature Reserve. In Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR, pp. 45-58. Moscow: PUBL?]



Translations of any of these publications can be ordered from: Jevgeni Shergalin, Sopruse pst. 175-58, Tallinn 13413 Estonia. E-mail: zoolit [at] hotmail.com


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