available on the internet (continued)




Sunde et al (2001) Abstract only

Living at the limit: ecology and behaviour of Tawny Owls in a northern edge population in central Norway.

P. Sunde, K. Overskaug, J.P. Bolstad and I.J. Øien

Ardea vol. 89 (2001), 85-98.

Abstract on Peter Sunde's complete publications list: click here (tenth item down page).


Sunde, Bolstad and Moller (2003) PDF

Reversed sexual dimorphism in tawny owls, Strix aluco, correlates with duty division in breeding effort.

P. Sunde, M.S. Bølstad and J.D. Møller

Oikos vol. 101 (2003), 265-78.

Direct pdf download: click here (Lund University archive).


Sunde, Bolstad and Desfor (2003) PDF

Diurnal exposure as a risk sensitive behaviour in Tawny Owls Strix aluco?

Peter Sunde, Mikkel S. Bølstad and Kasi B. Desfor

Journal of Avian Biology vol. 34 (December 2003), 409-18.

Direct pdf download: click here (Lund University archive).


Sunde and Bolstad (2004) PDF

A telemetry study of the social organization of a Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) population.

Peter Sunde and Mikkel S. Bolstad

Journal of Zoology, London, vol. 263 (2004), 65-76.

Direct pdf download: click here (Lund University archive).

(One of the best -- an informative study from Denmark)


Sunde (2005) Abstract only

Predators control post-fledging mortality in Tawny Owls, Strix aluco.

Peter Sunde

Oikos vol. 110 no. 3 (2005), 461-72.

Abstract only: click here (Ingenta Connect).


Sunde and Redpath (2006) Abstract only

Combining information from range use and habitat selection: sex-specific spatial responses to habitat fragmentation in Tawny Owls Strix aluco.

Peter Sunde and Stephen M. Redpath

Ecography vol. 29 issue 2 (April 2006), 152-8.

View abstract here: Blackwell Synergy.


Terry, Peake and McGregor (2005) PDF

The role of vocal individuality in conservation.

Andrew M.R. Terry, Tom M. Peake and Peter K. McGregor

Frontiers in Zoology vol. 2 no. 10 (2005), 16 pp., no pagination. Published online 16 June 2005 in Reviews section.

Direct pdf download: click here. (PubMed)

(Tawny Owls mentioned in passing as having individually distinguishable call, with two works cited: Galeotti and Pavan (1991), Individual recognition of male Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) using spectrograms of their territorial calls, Ethology, Ecology and Evolution vol. 3, 113-26; and Appleby and Redpath (1997), Variation in the male territorial hoot of the Tawny Owl Strix aluco in three English populations, Ibis vol. 139, 152-8.)


Van Dijk (1972) Abstract only

A comparative study of hearing in owls of the family Strigidae.

T. Van Dijk

Netherlands Journal of Zoology, vol. 23, no. 2 (1972), 131-67.

Abstract available on this Ingenta Connect page.

(Behavioural and cochlear potential study. Extract from abstract: ". . the owls proved to be extremely good hearers with lowest thresholds of - 91 db for the Tawny Owl and - 95 db for the Long-eared Owl. The frequency range of very good sensitivity extends from about 0.4-7 kHz in Tawny Owls and from about 0.5-8 kHz in Long-eared Owls (thresholds for these frequencies do not exceed - 80 db)".)


Walker et al (2008) Abstract only

Second generation anticoagulant rodenticides in tawny owls (Strix aluco) from Great Britain.

L.A. Walker, A. Turk, S.M. Long, C.L. Wienburg, J. Best, R.F. Shore.

Science of the Total Environment, vol. 392 issue 1 (15 March 2008), pp.93-8.

Abstract on this PubMed page.

From the abstract: " . . . Our aims were to conduct the first systematic survey of SGAR exposure in tawny owls and ascertain whether there had been a change in the proportion of exposed birds that was concurrent with the decline in the population. . . . Of the raptors analysed to date in Britain, tawny owls had the lowest proportion of individuals that contained detectable liver residues and so appear to be the least vulnerable to exposure and/or assimilation of SGARs. We found no clear evidence to implicate SGARs as a major factor affecting tawny owl numbers in Britain between 1990 and 2005."


Westminster City Council (No date; ca 2000?) PDF

Westminster Biodiversity Partnership Local Biodiversity Action Plan: Tawny Owl Strix aluco.

No author given

Direct pdf download: click here.

(Only a government official could come up with a title like that! What's an inaction plan? About three pages with information at time of writing on known tawny pairs in Inner London, thought to number up to ten, mainly in the big central parks. Main reference cited is Osborne 1996, but in the absence of a full citation I've not been able to track this down.)


Westminster City Council (No date; ca 2007?) PDF

Westminster Tawny Owl biodiversity action plan leaflet : Tawny Owl Strix aluco.

Download 4-page pdf from this Council page: click here.

Provides an update on the tawny situation in central London.


Wilde (2002) PDF

Tawny nights: observations at the nest sites of Tawny Owls (Strix aluco (L)) in Wyre Forest.

Neville Wilde, Wyre Forest Study Group

Download pdf from my website (warning: pdf misbehaves a bit).

(One of my favourite pieces as so much of what Wilde heard while he waited to photograph the owls in the forest at night parallels my own experience camping under our nestbox. Some very evocative descriptions.)


Williams et al (2006) Abstract only

Chronic ocular lesions in Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) injured by road traffic.

D.L. Williams, C.M. Gonzalez Villavincencio and S. Wilson

Veterinary Record vol. 159 no. 5 (2006), 148-53.

View abstract here (Veterinary Record).

(If you've seen owls in a rescue centre you'll know why I have included this. Tawnies are very prone to eye injury.)


Zuberogoitia et al (2004) PDF

Possible first record of double brooding in the Tawny Owl Strix aluco.

Inigo Zuberogoitia, Jose Antonio Martinez, Agurtzane Iraeta, Ainara Azkona and Inaki Castillo

Ardeola vol. 51 no. 2 (2004), 437-9.

Direct pdf download: click here. (Ardeola)

(Report from Bilbao, N. Spain. Do they really produce second broods? Paper is concerned with second successful broods as opposed to a second clutch to replace one lost through mishap.)



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