available on the internet (continued)




Obuch (2001) PDF

Dormice in the diet of owls in the Middle East.

Ján Obuch

Trakya University Journal of Scientific Research Series B vol. 2 no. 2 (2001), 145-50.

Direct pdf download: click here.

(A remarkable study, using owl pellets primarily as a way of finding dormouse species in Israel, Syria, Turkey and Iran. As a byproduct of this keen interest in dormice we learn that Iranian tawnies eat quite a few -- nearly 6% of their diet averaged over the four locations where S. aluco pellets were collected and reaching 12.5% (all Glis glis) on the north slopes of the Alborz Mountains. These are substantially higher proportions than eaten by any of the other owls.)


Ohayon (no date) PDF

Owl eyes and peering behaviour – literature review by Shay Ohayon.

(A 13-page article, unpublished.)

Download pdf from Shay Ohayon's research page, where there are some fascinating photo sequences illustrating how this type of research is done (with a Barn Owl). The article download link is some way down, in small print.


Overskaug et al (1999) PDF

Fledgling behaviour and suvival in northern Tawny Owls.

Kristian Overskaug, Jan P. Bolstad, Peter Sunde and Ingar J. Olen

The Condor vol. 101 (1999), 169-74.

Direct pdf download: click here. (The pdf is a scan)

(Fledgling mortality found to be quite high -- 61% before dispersal -- at northern limit of tawny range.)


Pavia (2001) PDF

The Middle Pleistocene fossil avifauna from the "Elephas mnaidriensis Faunal Complex" of Sicily (Italy): preliminary results.

M. Pavia

In: The World of Elephants, International Congress, Rome 2001, pp. 497-501.

Direct pdf download: click here.

(Little Strix aluco was there, along with Bubo bubo and Athene noctua. No particular reason why they shouldn't as Middle Pleistocene ran from 780,000 to 126,000 years ago - see Stratigraphy.org timeline page)


Peterken et al (1992) Abstract only

Old-growth conservation within British upland conifer plantations.

G.F. Peterken, D. Aushermann, M. Buchenau and R.T.T. Forman

Forestry vol. 65 no. 2 ( 1992), 127-44.

View abstract here: Oxford Journals: Forestry.

(An early -- and probably unheeded -- plea to place as much as 25% of these plantations on long rotation to allow old growth, which provides more favourable habitats for wildlife.)


Petty (1989) PDF

S.J. Petty

Productivity and density of Tawny Owls Strix aluco in relation to the structure of a Spruce forest in Britain.

Annales Zoologici Fennici vol. 26 (1989), 227-33.

Direct pdf download: click here (Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board).


Petty (1999) Abstract only

Diet of Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) in relation to Field Vole (Microtus agrestis) abundance in a conifer forest in northern England.

S.J. Petty

Journal of Zoology vol. 248 (1999), 451-65.

View abstract here: Cambridge Journals/J. Zool.


Petty and Fawkes (1997) PDF

Clutch size variation in Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) from adjacent valley systems: can this be used as a surrogate to investigate temporal and spatial variations in vole density?

Steve J. Petty and Billy L. Fawkes

In: 2nd Owl Symposium pp. 315-24.

Direct pdf download: click here. Or download from this more recent US Department of Agriculture Forest Service page.


Ranazzi, Manganaro and Salvati (2002) PDF

Density fluctuations in an urban population of Tawny Owl Strix aluco: a long-term study in Rome, Italy.

Lamberto Ranazzi, Alberto Manganaro and Luca Salvati

Ornis Svecica vol. 12 (2002), 63-7.

Read abstract and download pdf from this page on Eurobirding.


Redpath (1994) Abstract only

Censusing Tawny Owls Strix aluco by the use of imitation calls.

S.M. Redpath

Bird Study vol. 41 no. 3 (1994), 192-8.

View abstract here (internal link)


Redpath (1995) Abstract only

Habitat fragmentation and the individual: Tawny Owls Strix aluco in woodland patches.

S.M. Redpath

Journal of Animal Ecology vol. 64 no. 5 (September 1995), 652-61.

View abstract here (CSA Illumina).


Redpath, Appleby and Petty (2000) Abstract only

Do male hoots betray parasite loads in Tawny Owls?

Stephen M. Redpath, Bridget M. Appleby and Steve J. Petty

Journal of Avian Biology vol. 31 issue 4 (December 2000), 457-62.

Abstract only; view here (Blackwell Synergy).


Roulin et al (2003) PDF

Female plumage coloration covaries with reproductive strategies in the Tawny Owl.

Alexandre Roulin, Bertrand Ducret, Pierre-Alain Ravussin and Res Altwegg

Journal of Avian Biology vol. 34 (2003), 393-401.

Direct pdf download: click here. Or go to this page (Université de Lausanne) and download from 2003 papers.


Roulin et al (2004) PDF

Genetic and environmental effects on the covariation between colour polymorphism and a life-history trait.

Alexandre Roulin, Pierre Bize, Pierre-Alain Ravussin and Laurent Broch

Evolutionary Ecology Research vol. 6 (2004), 1253-60.

Direct download: click here. Or go to this page (Université de Lausanne) and download from 2004 papers.

(A study of Tawny Owls. "Redder foster and genetic mothers produced young in better condition. Because in two other years we observed that greyish females produced offspring in better condition than those of red females, the present study suggests that colour polymorphism signals genetic and phenotypic adaptations to cope with a fluctuating

environment." Isn't nature complicated.)


Roulin et al (2005) PDF

Oxygen consumption in offspring Tawny Owls Strix aluco is associated with colour morph of foster mother.

Alexandre Roulin, Pierre Bize, Nathalie Tzaud, Matteo Bianchi, Pierre-Alain Ravussin and Philippe Christe

Journal of Ornithology vol. 146 (2005), 390-4.

Direct download: click here. Or go to this page (Université de Lausanne) and download from 2005 papers.


Sacchi et al (2004) Abstract only

Occupancy rate and habitat variables influencing nest-box use by Tawny Owls Strix aluco.

Roberto Sacchi, Paolo Galeotti, Sergio Boccola and Francesca Baccalini

Avocetta vol. 28 no. 1 (2004), 25-30.

Abstract: read on this page fourth item down (tiny print!).


Saladin et al (2007) PDF

Genetic parentage analysis in the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) reveals low rate of extra-pair paternity.

V. Saladin, M. Ritschard, A. Roulin, P. Bize and H. Richner

Journal of Ornithology vol 148 no 1, 113-16.

Available from this University of Lausanne page (publns by Prof. Alexandre Roulin). Basically, just "one extra-pair young out of 137 (0.7%) nestlings in 37 families (2.7%)" was found. As each brood must have consisted of an average of 3.7 young it's not entirely clear what this means as it suggests that a single chick was found to be extra-pair.


Salvati, Manganaro and Ranazzi (2002) PDF

Wood quality and the Tawny Owl Strix aluco in different forest types of central Italy.

Luca Salvati, Alberto Manganaro and Lamberto Ranazzi

Ornis Svecica vol. 12 (2002), 47-51.

Read abstract and download pdf from this page on Eurobirding.


Sasvari and Hegyi (1998) Abstract only

Bird predation by Tawny Owls (Strix aluco L.) and its effect on the reproductive performance of tits.

L. Sasvari and Z. Hegyi

Acta Oecologica vol. 19 no. 6 (1998), 483-90. (Article in English.)

Abstract available here (Cat.Inist.Fr)

(Do tawnies eat your tits? 'Fraid so, and widowed partners didn't return to their former nest site the following year. More males taken than females. Hungarian study of Great and Blue tits using nestboxes.)


Sasvari and Hegyi (2002) PDF

Effects of age composition of pairs and weather condition on the breeding performance of Tawny Owls, Strix aluco.

Lajos Sasvari and Zoltan Hegyi

Folia Zoologica vol. 51 no. 2 (2002), 113-20.

Direct download from Folia Zoologica: click here.


Sasvari and Nishiumi (2005) Abstract only

Environmental conditions affect offspring sex-ratio variation and adult survival in Tawny Owls.

Lajos Sasvári and Isao Nishiumi

The Condor vol. 107 no. 2 (2005), 321-6.

Abstract available here.

(A study from Hungary)


Saurola (no date) Abstract only

Tawny Owls, voles and snow: a northern perspective.

Pertti Saurola

Summary of oral presentation available from The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls, this page.


Saurola and Francis (2004) PDF

Estimating population dynamics and dispersal distances of owls from nationally coordinated ringing data in Finland.

P. Saurola and C.M. Francis

Animal Biodiversity and Conservation vol. 27 no. 1 (2004), 403-15.

Dowload from Directory of Open Access Journals abstract page here by clicking on "Full text" at top of page.

(Dispersal distances are (and can be much) larger in south Finland than in more southerly countries like Britain.)


Schettler et al (2003) PDF

Newcastle disease virus and Chlamidia psittaci in free-living raptors from Eastern Germany.

Elvira Schettler, Joorns Fickel, Helmut Hotzel, Konrad Sachse, Wolf Jurgen Streich, Ulrich Wittstatt and Kai Frolich

Journal of Wildlife Diseases vol. 39 no. 1 (2003), 57-63.

Diresct download from Journal of Wildlife Diseases: click here.

(331 raptors tested for NDV, including 21 tawnies. Newcastle virus found in one tawny, but high incidence in Barn Owls (15 of 54). C. psittaci found in most species (29/39.)


Solonen (2005) Abstract only

Breeding of the Tawny Owl Strix aluco in Finland: responses of a southern colonist to the highly variable environment of the North

T. Solonen, T

Ornis Fennica, vol. 82, no. 3 (2005), 97-106.

Read abstract on this CSA Illumina page.


Solonen and af Ursin (2008) Abstract only

Breeding of Tawny Owls Strix aluco in rural and urban habitats in southern Finland,

Tapio Solonen and Kimmo af Ursin

Bird Study (British Trust for Ornithology) vol. 55 no. 2 (1 July 2008), pp. 216-21

Capsule: The annual average breeding frequency, clutch size, offspring production and chick survival of Tawny Owls did not differ between rural and urban nesting territories.

Article purchasable from this Ingenta Connect page. Also available from this informaworld page.



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