Rotating Tawny Owl skeleton on www.skullsite.com

The endearingly named Skull Site, run by Jan Jansen and Wouter van Gestel in The Netherlands, has a rotating skeleton of a Tawny Owl. Click on the pic at right and the Tawny Owl is the fifth skeleton down. It needs a Flash 5 plugin to play and you have to wait for all the pics in the sequence to load. Parts of the rotating skeleton can be magnified, though personally I'd like the option to play the whole thing at a bigger size. Elsewhere on the site there's a page with numerous photos of bird skulls, each linked to a page with three photos for that species (side, top and bottom). Let's hope that one day the authors get round to putting a scale in all the photos!

Photo of Tawny Owl skeleton on Flickr

On this page by Euopia. Good-quality photo in several sizes up to 683 x 1024. The bird is shown in a walking posture. Posted September 2007. Click on the pic for the largest size (on a Flickr page, opens in new tab).


Tawny Owls in London: Regent's Park Birds

Tony Duckett's blog includes details of Tawny Owls in the Park. Search (top left) on "Tawny Owls" to find the entries, which are accompanied by excellent photos of the owls (Nov 2007: many now missing. Pity). The text gives the areas where they are usually found, and you can then click on the map provided to find out where the owls are. There are now thought to be one pair plus a lone male. The pair bred last year, producing two fledglings. To judge from the photos the owls appear to be quite approachable. Tony leads bird walks in Regent's Park.

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