
PAGE 1 — Before you Start

1. Should you go ahead with rearing the owl? This checklist will help you decide. Also help on finding rehabilitators and rescue centres.

2. Other considerations: the legal situation, and whether there's a risk of imprinting the owl.


PAGE 2 — Feeding and Care

4. Feeding

5. Bathing

6. Handling and human contact

7. The owl’s diurnal rhythms

8. First flying

9. Injuries, health, vets


PAGE 3 — Preparing for Release

10. Experience of hunting — catching live mice

11. Choosing a release area

12. Familiarising the owl with the release area (including how to make jesses and walk the owl with them)


PAGE 4 — Release and After

13. When to release

14. Releasing the owl

15. Checking out afterwards


Release of two Tawny Owls 2008

If you want to get some idea of what's involved in a release, try this ongoing report about two owls of ours. We let them go in early August, and so far they're doing well. One of the owls is a youngster born earlier in the year, but the other is 3 1/2 years old!

Illustrated with pics and recordings, the story starts here.

powered by owls

Orphans Index

Typical fallen nestlings. Contrary to what is often claimed, chicks of this age stand little chance, if any, on the ground. (My photos except second from right, from The Buxton Advertiser.)

This section's undergoing extensive revision at the moment (July 2008). Apologies for any glitches and unfinished bits while this is being done.