
powered by owls

Four photos of the area near Darkec's house. The two pics at top show the fields where the mother and fledglings were when he found them on 11 June. The willow tree is towards the right of the pic at top right. The other pic shows the maize/corn field in the middle distance in the willow tree pic. Both show the woods beyond, which is probably part of these owls' territory. The two lower photos show views east and west, respectively.

The mice (dormice?) in the sidebar are from another pic by Darkec. Click on the top part to see the whole of it. This is a fabulous shot.

Next page: A very special photo. Click on the inset photo of mother owl to see the big version of her in the apple tree hole. Don't miss the tiny chick, here only a few days old.

When you've seen the photo, if you'd like to read, see and hear about nesting tawnies, return here and try the Tawny Owl Nesting Diary 2008. The mother laid her first egg about March 12th.

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A month later Darkec found the young owls with the mother 500 m from the nest in much the same way as I was hoping to find our nestbox fledglings -- they were squeaking! The mother didn't stay around and flew off as he approached.

The next three photos show one of the owlets.

Right: At first it peeps out from its hiding place in a tree!

Below: Then it flies off after the mother. This action shot of the departing youngster gives a good view of the tawny's broad, rounded wings.

Below right: It's found a perch in a willow tree. The other two stayed where they were but were too well hidden to photograph. (Warning: pic is 360 kb because of foliage detail.)