(started Oct 2006)

The Owl Pages

Well known to all, but how could I leave it out? The one-stop resource for all things owlish. The first port of call for anyone wanting almost any kind of information, whether about about owls in general or a particular species. A mine of information, and still being added to. The Owl forum has gone a bit inactive recently after a ban on chatter.

UK Animal Rescuers -- Rescue centres in the UK

These pages include perhaps the most comprehensive listing of people and organisations that'll look after the bird you've found.

Owl corner on the (International) Falconry Forum

An active site, so it's worth knowing about the Owls sub-sub-forum in the Bird Talk sub-forum (!). It's a UK-based site too, so there's stuff from here and Europe as well as the US. Lots of chat as usual, but some worthwhile posts in between. Clicking on the link will take you straight to the owls, but you'll need to register to read the complete posts. Otherwise limited to first sentence of each post.

BirdCam Forum (

A new forum, started October 2006. Keep a tab on owl (and other raptor) webcams here.

Short-eared Owls at

Run by Marco Mastrorilli and Paola Bressan, who live near Milan, this is the site for the beautiful Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus. Unfortunately for us anglos, most of it is in Italian (english translation of some pages is available). The Photogallery has a nice selection of pics -- if you can catch the thumbs as they slide slowly upwards in the panel on the right! This is a serious site where you'll find comprehensive lists of studies, articles etc on the SEO. Use a translation tool like Babelfish.

Barred Owls at Birds of Madison County

A website by Tom & Jean Harbron, Anderson, Indiana, USA, which logs the wildlife and flora around where they live in easy photos and minimal text. The main attraction is (of course!) the Barred Owl family they've been following for years, generation after generation. Currently it's Penelope and Junior. Check out the family history here -- it's really very moving the way a family of owls can be followed like this and is probably unique on the internet. Sign up for the mailing list to be notified when the latest (usually monthly) batch of pics goes up.

Barred Owl vocalizations by Bob Pearson

A comprehensive and well annotated collection of Barred Owl calls, much along the lines of my Tawny Owl calls pages. Recorded in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington.

Karla Kinstler's Alice the Great Horned Owl blog

If you're an owl fan, Alice won't need intoducing. This owl diary starts in November 2004, when Alice was six, and tells what it's like to share a home with a flying tiger -- well, North America's most formidable owl. In March 2007 Alice was taken up in a small plane to have her first experience of flying. A huge amount of reading here about what it's like to live with an owl.

Great Horned Owl webcam at California State University at Bakersfield (CSUB)

This is a good colour webcam with a large pic and fast refresh rate, functioning as of my latest check. Feb 2008: mother's started -- first egg laid 2 February (seen at 5.30 pm local time), 2nd visible at 10 am local time 6 Feb, third egg spotted at 6 pm on 10 Feb. Go to the BirdCam forum (linked above) where they track events closely. Hatching could start any time from 1 March, though GHO brooding times appear to be very variable (quoted times from 28 to 37 days). There's another link to the camera that may not work but it has the advantage of having a link to high-speed video summaries of the season's nesting events. Here it is:

The Owl Foundation (Canada)

Begun by Katherine (Kay) and Larry McKeever in 1965, the website has useful information on many North American owls -- specifically, East Canadian owls. Not least, for each owl there's a set of recordings of common vocalisations: start on this species page. The species featured are: Barred, Boreal, Burrowing, Eastern Barn, Eastern Screech, Great Grey, Great Horned, Long-eared, Northern Hawk, Northern Saw-whet, Short-eared, and Snowy.

Birds, Bats and Beyond (New Jersey, USA) -- a Screech Owl nestbox blog

I like this blog by Jim Wright as it's about owls using a nestbox out in the woods just like ours is. You have to fish around for the owl entries (though not too much) as there's a lot of other nature stuff, illustrated by some very nice pics. The nestbox has camera and sound, so you can see and hear recorded nesting activities -- nb tho it's not a live webcam.

Hunting with owls

In the Yahoo group Owls2 there's an informative post on this, covering Bengal and European Eagle Owls, the Great Horned Owl, and Mackinder's, Magellan's and Turkmenian owls, all eagle owls. It's by Peter Chapman. Unfortunately this group is barely active.

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